Shipping & Orders
We offer free shipping in the U.S. International shipping fees apply at checkout.
Orders ship within 24 hours.
Orders ship via USPS ground and arrive within 2-5 business days depending on your location.
Yes, email us with your correct address before your product is shipped. The shipment cutoff time 2pm PST.
Yes, you can cancel your order before it ships at no additional charge. Just email us and include your order number.
Absolutely, you will receive tracking information once your order is shipped. If you cannot locate your shipping confirmation email, please contact us and we'd be happy to send you updated tracking on your order.
Returns & Exchanges
We offer a 100% money back guarantee if the product is defective or damaged upon receipt. We have a 30-day refund period. Returns must be shipped back at your own expense, and your order will be refunded in full once we receive the product.
If you would like to return your product, please email us and include your order number to start the process.
Yes! We have a 30-day exchange policy. Email us with your order number and the products you would like to exchange. Shipping is not included.
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